No One Died         
This photo shows the incredible damage to the car on the drivers sike. The woman driving had her 5 year old daughter in the back seat without a seat belt on. She left a line of traffic, drove around the lowered gates and drove into the side of the train. The {oman was uninjured....the daughter was flown by helicopter to a trauma unit in critical condition. The mother has been charged with attempted murder.
Date: 10/7/2011 Location: Lodi, CA   Map Show Lodi on a rail map Views: 584 Collection Of:   Dennis Weber
Author:  Frederick Goethal
No One Died
Picture Categories: Signal,Wreck,Track,Action This picture is part of album:  SOO/CSXT.
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Ken Roble General What are people thinking? Attempted murder, looks like she murdered the car! 10/14/2011 7:42:45 PM
Steve E General Most of society is STUPID ! Hope the LiL Girl will be OK. The Mother should lose custody based on her Stupidity ! 10/14/2011 7:56:02 PM
antonio dasilva General the whole human race is going bonkers 10/14/2011 8:51:11 PM
John Skordas General She needs to go to prison forever. At least there she will be the only person who will be affected by her stupidity. 10/14/2011 9:04:46 PM
mikey cruz General this answers my question on the otherpic, that is a child seat. =/ 10/14/2011 9:17:03 PM
Brandon M. Smith General She needs to be thrown in jail for endangering the life of the child and never be allowede to be near that child ever again!!!!! Makes me sick that people this day in age do with their children. People in todays society are gettin stupider and stupider!!!!!!!!! 10/15/2011 1:09:52 AM
Allan Love Jr General I have to agree with most of the comments. I agree 100% 10/15/2011 7:23:47 AM
B NK General Not only should she lose custady of her child..she should lose her drivers licence and never be able to drive a again! If she can run into a train whos to say she wont drive into a crowd of people! Good shot by the way! 10/15/2011 9:47:43 AM
Frederick S. Goethel General The girl was released from the hospital today in stable condition with several broken bones. The mother is in the county jail. At her first court appearance, her lawyer claimed it was "a mistake" and wanted bail lowered. The judge raised it from $500,000 to $1 million. 10/15/2011 2:20:56 PM

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